Family Life Center
Gray's Chapel's Family Life Center is located across the street from the Church
and was completed in 2019. What a blessing it has been!

Celebrating the 81st Homecoming of the church and dedication service of the Family Life Center! Former Gray's Chapel Pastors, Pastors calling into ministry while attending Gray's Chapel, and District Leaders were among those attending the May 2019 event.
Room for All to Gather Comfortably

There is a convenient covered drop-off area at the front doors of the facility and easy kitchen access through a private kitchen door.

Christmas in July Inside the FLC
A great place for the Women's Ministry and Men's Ministry to Gather!

1st Sunday Morning Worship Service in FLC due to the pandemic's halt in services.

Children's Ministry
In addition to our NYI (Youth Program for 7th - 12th grade age groups), we have a Nursery program for birth - PreK and a Children's program for K - 6th grade age groups). Nursery services are available for Sunday School and Sunday morning worship services. We have fun while learning about our Triune God. We are safe. Our leaders are trained in safety and have passed background checks. We protect our minors to the very best of our ability. Children are monitored at all times by at least two adults. We provide engaging Christlike lessons and activities. We worship, pray, read God's Word, snack, sing, and play. Children's Church takes place twice a month during the regular morning worship service while other Sundays are spent in an in intergenerational worship. Pastor Mike prefers enjoys having children in the sanctuary for worship services and often makes the sermon interactive for children. He usually has "Sermon in a Sack" or some other interaction with the children prior to the sermon. At Gray's Chapel we love children and sharing life with them! We encourage our children to participate in as many ministries as possible while giving them time and space to be with their own age group . Please, join us.

Women's Ministry
Ladies of all ages will find something to do with each other at Gray's Chapel. Gathering together helps strengthen us in our relationship with God, our families, and each other. If you like to quilt, we are the place for you. Our quilters enjoy a productive time while making beautiful creations. They don't just sit around and sew, they do so much more. Join the group and you will understand! If you like to send cards and write, we have an active Card Ministry that needs your contributions. Cards often include handmade items, such as crosses. If you make something that could be mailed in a card and want to make donations, the Card Ministry is for you. We have a First Fruits study group that meets every month or every other month, depending on the study. The First Fruits group is about gathering together to grow spiritually and learn more about God's Word, to form lasting friendships and bond with other ladies, share burdens and support each other, and to laugh and share good times. First Fruits (giving God the first of everything) is a group for all women. We also have groups that cook for various needs and they could use your help in a variety of way. Please, join us.

Men's Ministry
Men of all ages are welcome in Gray's Chapel's Men's Ministry. The Men's Ministry strives to gather at least once a month to grow spiritually and learn more about the Word of God, to pray and share both requests and praises, to eat and discuss life around the table, to form closer relationships and support each other, and to relax while participating in a variety of activities. The Men's Ministry is meant for discipleship and for strengthening men for their various responsibilities at home, work, church, and in the community. Occasionally, the men's group will participate in service projects, such as construction jobs and maintenance tasks. Though labors of love will take place from time to time, the focus is not on chores. The goal is to connect men with God, His Word, and other men in Christlike ways. The ripple effect will expand The Kingdom from our group out into other groups. Together, we can be better servants of God. Together, we can be better men. Together, we can spread the Word and live out a Christlike life before others. Please, join us.

Our Youth group gathers on Sunday mornings 10-10:45a.m.and Wednesday evenings from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. The group's leader is passionate about working with the group and talented in keeping the youth engaged in exciting ways as they learn and grow as Christians, students, citizens, friends, and family members. Though the youth have their own time and space to gather together, they are also an important part of other ministries in the church and spend time with other age groups. Our youth are our present and our future. One goal is to help them BE GOD'S LIGHT IN THE DARK, to BE AN EXAMPLE OF GOD'S LOVE, to BE IN CHRIST, and to BE WITH OTHERS. Another goal is to help them DO LIFE TOGETHER THROUGH LEARNING, PRAYER, SERVICE , SACRIFICE, AND FOLLOW IN CHRIST'S FOOTSTEPS. Additionally, we will help them to GO OUT INTO THE COMMUNITY AS MODELS OF CHRISTLIKENESS, GO OUT AND SHARE GOD'S WORD AND LOVE, and GO FORTH IN GROWING IN GOD.